Posted: September 11, 2015
If at anytime you need to contact me you can do so by calling 627-4088 or cheryl.richardson@nbed.nb.ca,sites/all/modules/extlink/mailto.png) 100% 50% no-repeat;">Practice opening lockMeet the Teacher will be Wednesday September 16th, 2015 from 6-7pm, starting in our gym and then moving to the team area.Grade 6 pictures will be Thursday September 17th, 2015.Gas Fundraiser begind today! Please check with your son/daughter for more information and notice. Once students have sold a booklet they may return the tickets and money. If they wish to have more booklets they just need to ask their homeroom teacher.Boys second soccer tryout will be Monday September 14th, 2015 at 5:15 (Carrefour Beausoleil field).