Notice To Parents: Important Changes to Middle School Timetable!

Posted: August 14, 2019

Memo to Middle School Parents regarding changes to the middle school day

 Dear Parents and Guardians of Max Aitken Academy middle school students,

Max Aitken Academy is making adjustments to the middle school schedule for the 2019-2020 school year.  We are making these changes to enhance learning opportunities for students, promote a positive learning environment and better support students in their learning.

When middle school students return to MAA in September, they will be dismissed at 3:00pm on Tuesday September 3rd, and Wednesday September 4th .  Starting on Thursday, September 5th, middle school students will be dismissed at 2:00 pm, which will continue for the remainder of the school year.  Students will be able to travel home on their bus at 2:00pm, or may choose to remain at school until 3:00pm for an activity period.

Various activities will be offered each day after school, as well as a help center where students can work on homework, get help with projects and assignments, or catch up on work that is overdue.  Students must sign up for activities in advance.  The first sign-ups will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday of the first week of school.  Activities will begin on Thursday.  A schedule of offered activities will be sent home with students.

A small number of students will not have access to bussing at 2:00pm and we will be in touch with those families over the course of the next few days. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Henderson or Ms. Campbell via email. 

We look forward to welcoming our students back in a few weeks.


Max Aitken Academy Administration