Posted: May 20, 2010
May 20th, 2010Dear Parent(s) and Guardian(s),SUBJECT: VIEWING OF DOCUMENTARY/ NATURE FILM “OCEANS”HELLO EVERYONE We are writing this letter to inform you that the grade 6 Purple Team students have the opportunity to view the documentary/nature film “Oceans” Tuesday May 25st, 2010 at the Empire Studio 5. This film has been approved by the administration of District 16, as it correlates with grade 6 Diversity of Life Science. We will be leaving at 12:45a.m (immediately following lunch) and returning to school at approximately 2:45 p.m. The Purple Team will be covering the cost of bussing to this event and the admission price. Also, Empire Studio 5 has given us a lower price on concessions. Students will only be able to pre-order kids pack for the price of $3.99+tax ($4.50) until Friday May 21th (must be pre-paid).
Please fill out the information on the bottom of this letter and return to homeroom teacher by Friday May 21st, 2010 with payment.****This activity is pending bus approval, if we are not approved for busses all money will be returned to the student. ****
Any questions or concerns please contact us by telephone 627-4088