Posted: January 19, 2022
Good Morning 5 Dunnett,
Hope you guys are staying nice and warm on the chilly Wednesday!!
It was so nice chatting with the ones who were able to make the TEAMS called yesterday, I hope that the rest of you guys can make the call tomorrow at 10:30. We have Addison and Tori who are going to be reading to us, so you don't want to miss out on that. Mrs. Page might even be joining our meeting as well. :)
If you haven't yet finished your packet that was sent home last week, please finish it up as on this Friday, your parents will be picking up all your new work and I will be collecting what you have done thus far. If you have completed your packet, please go back to Home Learning January 17th and down at the bottom you will see a lesson with other attachments that go with it.
Down below you will see a lesson that we have already done within Math class. I have also attached the work sheet that goes with it. If you don't have a printer to print the sheet, please just answer the questions within your book that I sent home.
If you have any questions at all, please email me ( and I will be glad to help you out in anyway that I can.
Miss you all so much and praying that you are all staying safe!!!
Mr. Dunnett