Home Learning January 24th

Posted: January 24, 2022

Good Monday Morning 5 Dunnett, 

Hopefully we are in our last week of home learning and that we are all back together next week face-to-face. 

If you haven't yet picked up packet #3, please email me and we can arange a time that works best for you able to pick it up. 

Literacy - 

  • Reading log 15 minutes -  please keep up with reading each and everynight and logging it in your reading log. 
  • Spelling - Week 12 - Today I want you to review your new spelling words for this week. This week focus is plural ending soungs. Activities to do today with your weeking is write each of your words in a sentence, write out each word in a pencil, pen or marker, even try writing your words with your opposite hand. You only need to do the First sheet today. 
  • Reading Compherenions: Please do the two reading compherenions "A Team for Trish" and "Locked Out". Please do the questions that are assigned. Remember please use a highlighter or a pencil to underline highlight where you found your answers for each questions. 
  • Dreamscape - continue doing the lessons that are on dreamscape. Your username and password were sent home in your packet on Friday, for those who did not know their information. 


  • I would like you guys to attempt to do at least 60 minutes of Math each day. 
  • Sheets - You guys can pick to work on whatever sheets that you would like. I would like you guys today to try to work on your sheets for about 20-30 minutes each day. 
  • In your packet I sent home strategies for Multplication & Division - this will be a good reminder on how to do them if you guys ever get stuck. 
  • Dreambox- I would like you to attempt to work on your Dreambox lessons for 20-30 minutes. Usernames and passwords were sent home on Friday in your packet. 
  • https://play.dreambox.com/login/knjs/urus 

Mr. Flynn has also sent home a sheet for activites for you guys to do to stay active while being home. Take advantage of the nice weather outside and try to get out and enjoy some fresh air.  

I do want to Thank you all for all your hard work that you have been doing. I understand that these are very diffcult times that we are facing, but I appreciate all your efforts with home learning. Like I have stated before, just do the best that you can do. That's all I am asking. :) 

TEAMS - Just a reminder that we will be having our TEAMS tomorrow at 10:30 for our annual Check in. Hopefully everyone is able to make it on the call. 

One more week, that's all we got to get through. We can do it, I know we can. I hope you guys all had a wonderful weekend and hope that you guys have a great week this week.

Please don't hesitate to reach out at anytime to seek clarifaction or if you have any questions. 

Email: kyle.dunnett@nbed.nb.ca

See you all very SOON!!

Mr. Dunnett