Posted: November 8, 2021
Greetings 5 Dunnett,
I'll be sending out an email today to your parents just to check in with you all to see how you guys are doing and how you are all making out with the home learning. Just a reminder to keep all your work in a safe place, as when we come back to school I will be collecting everything.
Keep following my lesson plan from yesterday that I posted. When you are ready for more, I've attached more work down below.
Literacy - Keep up with your reading log daily and please remember to log it. If you havent yet already emailed for your usernames and passwords for Dreamscape, please do so. I am receiving lots of good feedback from the literacy website. Also, I've attached the first worksheet for your spelling words. Like before, if you don't have a printer to print the worksheet, please write your answers on a sheet of loose leaf.
Math - Keep up with doing your lessons on Dreambox. I've also attached PowerPoint slides for our Math test review that we will do once we get back in person. Do a few slides a day to refesher your mind on what we have already been learning about in class.
Remember, don't forget to check out Mr. Flynn's and Mrs. Gallant's teacher pages for activities in Phys.Ed and Music.
If you have questions regrading anything, please don't hesitate to reach out.
Miss you all!
Mr. Dunnett