Posted: May 14, 2020
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Hello Boys & Girls,
The beautiful spring weather is FINALLY here, which has been really putting me in such a great mood, because it means that I am able to go outside more. One thing I realized is that I am missing your guys art being around me, it always brought me so much joy seeing how creative you guys all are. Above I attached a link of a bunch of spring art crafts that you are able to do at home, without having to even really go to the stores. I would love it if you guys all picked one to do (but you are more them welcome to do more) and get your parents to email me your finish result. Even better, if you would you could also mail your art to me as well. That way I can hang it around my house and think of you guys, just get your parents to message me and i'll send them my address. Hope you guys enjoy the art and I can't wait to see what you guys choose to make!! :)
- Mr. Dunnett