Homework, Terry Fox, Italian Surprise, Home Learning

Posted: September 28, 2021

Due Date: 

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

ReadingRe-read ‘Mon sac d'école’ to a family member or aloud (to the best of your ability)

Math: Complete #3, 5, 6, 7, 8 on the photocopy (Strategies for multplication/division)

Toonie for Terry: Students are encouraged to bring a toonie  for our Terry Fox 'Toonie for Terry' campaign which ends tomorrow

Terry Fox Walk: Each class will complete a Terry Fox walk this year, but it will not be a school-wide event. Our class will walk around the neighborhood tomorrow from 1-1:30pm approximately to mark the Terry Fox walk this year.

Orange Shirt Day: Thursday is Orange Shirt Day. Students are encouraged to wear an orange shirt on that day

Italian Surprise: Friday,  Oct. 1st:  A fun activity is planned for the class. All items supplied at school.

Home Schooling: As you know, in the event of a school closure in ASD-N due to Covid 19, students will be transitioning immediately to a home learning environment. I will be e-mailing parents today/tomorrow to explain how our home learning will work should a school closure occur.