Class Switch on Feb. 2nd

Posted: January 31, 2022

Tomorrow is the final full-day of the Intensive French compacted curriculum.

Mr. Dunnett and Mr. Thompson switch students on Wednesday Feb. 2nd.  Your child will then continue with Mr. Dunnett for the rest of the school year. Your child will see the subjects that he/she didn't see during the September to January block: English Language Arts, Science and Social Studies.  I will provide each student with a large bag to tranfer their materials to Mr. Dunnett's classroom.  Your child will be given all remaining school supplies that were purchased with the school fees paid in September. No additional student school supply fees are required with this move.

To mark our final full-day together, I have a celebration planned for tomorrow afternoon.  Lots of fun! Certificates! Laughs . . . pizza and a beverage too!

Your child will still need his/her regular lunch tomorrow as we won't have the pizza until approximately 1:30pm.

If you have any questions about the upcoming move, please contact me at the school.
