Devoirs / Homework: le 26 mai

Posted: May 26, 2021

Math: Complétez les problèmes #48, #50

Lecture / Reading (French) 15 mins.  Student-selected book from our in-class browsing bins

Sistema Music Programme: Information went home with each student today re: next year's Sistema programme

Diving into the Decades: Round three questions were sent home yesterday with each student (Optional activity)

Spelling quizzes: Spelling quizzes (English and French) are on Fridays.  This is not a homework assignment as we will be practicing the words daily prior to the date of the quiz.

Kite Day: Students are invited to bring their kite to school and launch their kite on the afternoon of Friday May 28th.  I will have extra kites available for those students who don't have a kite at home. Freezies to follow!

Upcoming Theme Days:  Thurs. May 27th:1980's Dress-up Day      Fri. May 28th: PJ / Hat Day (fundraiser: $1 or $2 to participate)