End of term two

Posted: March 25, 2021

Desk Clean-up: Today was the last day of term two. Our final school term begins on Monday March 29th.  Students were asked to organize their desk and take home all notebooks, worksheets, etc from term two.  Students were asked to leave pencils, rulers, markers, etc in the desk as they will be needed going forward. Students will be given new duo-tangs for each academic subject next week for the final term. You may want to take a look at your child's notebooks as the notebooks contain frequent day-to-day and week-by-week feedback from the teacher to the student.  Tests and quizzes held during the term were also kept in the notebooks.                      Please note: Students may accidently have taken home materials that should have been left at school (eg. scissors, rulers, crayons, dictionary, etc ) or classroom/library reading books or other materials. Please have your child return those items on Monday should that have been the case.  

Easter Lunch Special: An order form from the school cafeteria went home with each child today.  It is due back by Tuesday March 30th for those wishing to order this special meal.

Diorama: Students have been given an additional day, Monday March 29th, to complete their diorama project.  All work is being completed at school.