Homework / Devoirs: le 18 janvier

Posted: January 18, 2021

Math: Complétez #1, 3, 4, 5 page 297

Lecture / Reading: (15 mins) French book chosen from classroom bins today

Literacy Day: Activities are scheduled for this Wednesday Jan. 20th to celebrate Literacy Day. Our theme this year is Dr. Seuss!  A free meal, Green Eggs and Ham, will be provided by the MAA cafeteria to those students who indicated that they wished to receive this unique meal.

TEAMS and SORA: Students are asked to practice logging on / logging off to our TEAMS site and to the SORA reading site (provincial virtual library)  Passwords/Usernames and instructions were provided in class. An additional review was done today with Mr. Duplessis, district technology specialist.  A virtual science lesson will be delivered this Wednesday in class in order that students may become familiar with on-line learning possibilities. These sites, in addition to my teacher page, will be used in the event any home learning/distance learning situation is declared.

                                    Notice to parents (Reading)                                                                                        

It is very important that students read for at least 15 minutes each night. Monday and Wednesday evenings should be for french reading selections while Tuesday and Thursday evenings should be for english reading selections.  This will supplement our in-class reading activities.  Thanks!