Homework, Fundraiser, Library books, Mexican surprise

Posted: October 20, 2021

Math:  Equivalent fractions: Complete #1-4 on the photocopy assigned today (to the best of your ability)

Reading: Reread "Julien et Maxime" to a family member or aloud (to the best of your ability) 

Gas Ticket Fundraiser: Please return all fully-sold booklets /money and all unsold booklets.   Partially sold booklets / money will be due over the next several days as campaign draws to an end soon.

PJ / Hat Day: Friday Oct. 22nd is PJ/Hat Day.  ($1 for one item, $2 for both) Students are encouraged to participate.

 Library books: Students are reminded to return all library books for our library period tomorrow  Oct. 21st

Mexican SurpriseA special activity is planned for this Friday afternoon. All items supplied at school