Homework, Gas Ticket Fundraiser, Mars surprise

Posted: October 13, 2021

ReadingRe-read  'Les couleurs’ to a family member or aloud (to the best of your ability)

Math: Complete #4 page 24 on the photocopy "Solving Equations using Addition/Subtraction"

Gas Ticket Fundraiser: An information sheet and tickets went home last week with each student for the Max Aitken Academy Gas Ticket Fundraiser campaign.  

Skating at Civic Centre: A message from Mr. Flynn about our skating sessions at the Miramichi Civic Centre went home yesterday with each student.  First session is on Oct. 19th from 8:30am - 9:45am.

Mars Surprise: A fun activity is planned for Friday afternoon, Oct. 15th. All items will be provided at school.