Homework / Library books / Permission slip / Kite Day

Posted: June 12, 2023

French: Re-read the selecton 'Je Joue avec les rimes' introduced in class today.

Math: Complete side two of the multiplication sheet ( 3 mins. timed session)

Library books: Today, students were provided with a list of books that they presently have signed out from the school library. Students are asked to please return all books by our next library period, Wednesday June 14th.

Pemission Slip (Gr. 5 Year-end field trip)  An important notice about our Gr. 5 year-end field trip to MVHS on Thursday June 15th went home on Friday with each student.   A parent's signature is required for student participation in the events. Please sign and return the form with your child by tomorrow, Tuesday June 13th should you wish your child to participate. Thanks!

Kite Day: Weather permitting, our class will have an opportunity to participate in a kite flying activity on Friday June 16th. A kite will be provided to each student at school. Cool treats too!