Homework, Orange Shirt Day, Italian Surprise,Home Learning

Posted: September 29, 2021

ReadingRe-read ‘Mon sac d'école’ to a family member or aloud (to the best of your ability)

Math: Complete #1 (side two) on the photocopy 'Using Estimation to Check Answers' to the best of your ability

Math: Show test results to parents from our first Math test

Orange Shirt Day: Tomorrow is Orange Shirt Day. Students are encouraged to wear an orange shirt to school tomorrow

Italian Surprise: Friday,  Oct. 1st:  A fun activity is planned for the class. All items supplied at school.

Home Schooling: In the event of a school closure in ASD-N due to Covid 19, students will be transitioning immediately to a home learning environment.   An e-mail was sent to all parents yesterday to explain how our home learning will work should a school closure.  The Math and Art home learning packages were sent home with each student today.