Homework, Upcoming events

Posted: December 15, 2021

ReadingRead 'Les Mitaines Perdues' to a family member or aloud to yourself (to the best of your ability)

Library: Please return library books for tomorrow's library period. All library books must be in before Friday Dec. 17th

                                                         Upcoming Events

-Christmas Meal at MAA: Tomorrow, Dec. 16th for those who pre-ordered the meal

-Christmas Concert recording: Dec. 17th (8:45 - 9am) in Mrs. Gallant's music room                                    

-Skating at Civic Centre: Dec. 17th (10am - 11:10am ) See notice from Mr. Flynn that went home last week

-Gingerbread treat: Dec.17th (students will take apart / begin eating their gingerbread houses constructed last week)