Homework, Upcoming events/ activities

Posted: December 7, 2021

Reading: Read the selection 'Faire des rotis' (to the best of your ability to a family member or aloud)

Math: Complete #1-2 (side two) of the worksheet on decimals started today in class

                                            Upcoming events/activities

-Gingerbread villageStudents will be constructing gingerbread houses to be placed in our class' gingerbread village tomorrow, Wednesday Dec. 8th.  All materials will be supplied at school. All Covid guidelines will be followed.

-Snowshoeing/Hot Chocolate (Dec. 15th in the AM if we have enough snow!)             

-Christmas meal in cafeteria (Dec. 16th - order form went home today)                           

-Skating at Civic Centre (Dec. 17th in the AM- notice from Mr. Flynn went home today with each student)

 -Toys for Climate Change Action (notice went home today with each student)

-Treats for Seniors (Students are encouraged to bring in a treat for our 'Treat for Seniors' campaign)

-Spirit Week at MAA (Dec. 20th - Dec. 23rd - schedule went home with each student today)