Notices, Upcoming events, Homework

Posted: October 11, 2022


Skating at Civic Centre:  A copy of our upcoming skating times at the Miramichi Civic Centre went home with each student today. It also contains a list of equipment REQUIRED to participate in the skating sessions. Please review carefully.

MAA Fall Reading Challenge: A fun reading challenge has begun. Information went home with each student last week. Challenge ends on Oct. 28th.


Upcoming events 

Gas Ticket Fundraiser: Our annual school-wide fundraiser continues this week. Students are reminded to return unsold tickets for others to sell.



Fire Prevention week: Today, students attended a fire prevention session led by the Miramichi Fire Department.  Each child reveived a booklet to take home. It contains some fun activities, a home fire escape plan, and a contest entry form.  Please review the information carefully with your child as part of our focus on Fire Prevention this week. NO other homework this evening.