Notices, Upcoming events, Homework

Posted: February 24, 2022


Skating: A notice about skating at the Civic Centre went home with each student today.  Please review the notice with your child this evening as it contains important information about this outing to the Civic Centre schedule for tomorrow, Feb. 25th. Students who borrowed skates/helmet from the school last term will still be able to do so tomorrow.  

Library: Our next book exchange period is Thursday March 3rd. Students are reminded to return overdue books.

MAA Yearbook order form went home with each student last week. Form is due back by March 25th.

Upcoming events

Skating: Tomorrow, Friday Feb. 25th from 8:45am-10am.   


Reading: Re-read the french selection 'La famille se déguise' (aloud or to a family member) which was introduced in class yesterday.

Math: No math homework today