Notices, Upcoming Events, Homework

Posted: February 9, 2022


The following three notices went home recently with each student:

Book Fair flyer 

Book Fair contest entry form 'Character from a book (due Feb. 14th for those students participating)

St. Valentine's Day special meal order form

Upcoming events

Snowshoeing: I will be taking the students snowshoeing tomorrow afternoon at 1pm. Hot chocolate to follow!

Jersey Day: Students are encourage to wear a sports jersey this Friday Feb. 11th for MAA's Jersey Day

Valentine's Day meal (Feb. 14th):  Special meal from cafeteria (order form went home last week with each student)

Valentine's Day (Feb. 14th): In-class celebration, exchange of Valentine Day cards (for those students who wish to exchange cards)

MAA Book Fair: Students may purchase items on Wednesday Feb.16th from 8:45-9:15am

On-line purchase option as well. Information/link will be sent home later this week from Mrs. Allain (librarian)

Skating at Civic Centre (Feb. 25th from 8:45-10am)Notice went home last week concerning requirements (helmet, gloves, etc)


Math: Complete both sides of the worksheet 'Using Patterns To Solve Problems'

Reading: Re-read the selection 'Ma famille'  (aloud or to a family member)