Notices, Upcoming events, Homework

Posted: April 21, 2022


Swimming at MVHS pool: Please sign/return the permission slip should you wish your child to participate

Upcoming events

MAA Ring In Spring Spirit Week: Tomorrow is the final theme: Socks & Sandals or Rubber Boots & Socks (Fri. April 22nd)

Earth Day: Tomorrow morning, we will be taking 15mins. to clean-up a designated area of the school grounds. Plastic gloves will be provided to each student. Refreshments to follow the clean-up!

Art Auction: We are having an in-class art auction of our recent art work on Friday April 29th! Treats to follow!

Swimming at MVHS: May 13th and May 17th ( 9am-10:00am )


Reading: Re-read the selection 'Les mitaines perdues' introduced in class earlier this week.

Math: Students will be writing the provincial math assessment on Monday May 9th.