Posted: November 1, 2021
Monday, November 1st, 2021
Today is our first day of home learning. Our plan is to provide you with activities you can use from the Home Learning packets (Covid) that were sent home in September and additional activities posted on our Teacher Pages.
Today’s activities are the following:
Language Arts
1. Review the letters a – f. This includes the letter names, sounds, and actions.
2. Practice printing your name with an uppercase letter at the beginning and the remaining letters are lowercase letters. Please use the correct formation when printing your letters!
3. Tell a story about Trick-or-Treating on the weekend by drawing a picture. Ask someone to write down the story you told about what you drew. (At this point, in Kindergarten, students are learning that their pictures match their words.)
1. Practice counting from 0 – 5. (Ex: count going up & down stairs/doing some exercise)
2. We have been learning about sorting and patterning. Find something in your home you can sort. For example, socks, toys, etc. You can sort by color, size, or category.
It is important to read to your child each day and have them go outside for physical activity.
Some websites you can use for Listening to Reading are:
2. Tumblebooks You can access Tumblebooks if you have a library card. Go to NB Libraries online, on the righthand side under Quick Links, click Children, and under Online Resources you will find Tumblebooks
From the Max Aitken Kindergarten Teachers
If you have any questions please email me at