Letter to students June 1st-5th

Posted: June 1, 2020

Hello Boys and Girls,

Can you believe it is June 1st today!! Last week- I hope you all found a cool place or had some fun in water during the warm weather! This week is suppose to be cooler. The teachers returned to Max Aitken today to begin planning for next year, cleaning up our classroom and working on report cards. Our classroom was pretty lonely today without all of you- miss you!

This week's sight words for List 16 are: her, over, this, want. As many of your parents are still working or just returning to their work places and some of you are heading off to daycare or a sitter- we understand how hard it is to keep up with school work- trust me I have two kids at home too! The last day for Home Learning will be June 12th and report cards will be issued on June 19th covering term 2 (Nov-March). Please just remember to keep reading & enjoying books. If you have some time, have fun with the outdoor activities on the grid this week.

Chat with you later this week,

Mrs. Cameron