Reading chart

Posted: May 4, 2020

Hello boys and girls,

Can you believe we are in the month of May now! I hope you are reading lots of books.  I just finished reading “James and the Giant Peach” to my kids by Roald Dahl.  This book I first enjoyed when my grade five teacher read it to our class.  I am sure you are finding some books too that might become favorites.  There are lots of ways to read books.  I love going somewhere comfortable with my cozy blanket as I settle into a story. The chart attached shows some fun ways to read a book or different types of books to read.

Parents/Guardians- Please do not forget this Wednesday we are having a curbside pickup at MAA of all the wonderful work students have done in kindergarten & their personal items. Check the posted schedules for your time slot.

Enjoy reading this week and I look forward to our weekly chats.

Mrs. Cameron

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