Home Learning - Day 6

Posted: November 8, 2021

Monday, November 8th, 2021 

Good morning students and families!  

Today is our sixth day of Home Learning. Here are today’s activities. 


Language Arts: 

1) Alphabet Review Alphabet Song  - Have Fun Teaching (4:37) 


2) This week we are introducing the letter g. Gg makes the sound /g/ (guh). Remember Gordo Gorilla pounds his chest when he makes the sound. 

3)Do you have a Gg in your name? Does anyone in your family have a g in their name? What about your classmates names? 



1) Number 5 review 

Practice printing the number 5 with your finger. Trace the numeral 5 in the air, on the table, on someone’s back, on a mat/carpetRemember to make the numeral correctly – neck, belly, flat hat 


2) Subitizing is the ability to instantly recognize, without counting, “how many” in a small set (dots on a dice).  

Subitize Up To 5 (soo-bi-tize) | Math Song for Kids | Jack Hartmann 


3) Practice: Roll the Dice – With a partner or on you own, roll the dice (use dice from Covid package) and say how many you see without counting. You can challenge each other by rolling the dice and seeing who can say the number first! 


It is important to read to your child each day and have them go outside for physical activity. 


Check out Mr. MacKinnon’s Teacher Page for some fun and creative ideas to stay physically active! Mr. MacKinnon’s Friday’s lesson has a fun photo- Can you guess who it is? 


Check out Mrs. Page’s Teacher Page for some songs and activities for Music. 


*If you have difficulty opening any link or website, right click and click “Open Link” or hover over the link (Press ctrl & double click) 


*Retakes and sibling photos are online when you login to your account at jordanpinder.gotphoto.com and use the access codes that were previously sent home. 


Thanks for supporting us in Home Learning.  It’s been great to receive some photos & emails letting me know how you are doing. 

Please remember to reach out if you have any questions.