Home Learning - Day 9

Posted: November 12, 2021

Friday, November 12th, 2021  

Good morning students and families! Can you believe it is Friday!  

We hope you had a nice family day of reflection Thursday as we remembered those who gave so much so we can live in peace. 


Today is our 9th day of Home Learning. Here are today’s activities. 

Language Arts: 

1) Alphabet Review – Phonics song- A is for Apple-ABC alphabet song with sounds for children- click link below (4:00) 


2) Letter Gg - This week we are introducing the letter g. Gg makes the sound /g/ (guh). Remember Gordo Gorilla pounds his chest when he makes the sound. 

Video – The letter G song (3:32) Have Fun Teaching 

3) Letter Gg Activity – Draw and label items that start with Gg (Ex: grapes, girl, goat, gloves- Can you think of anything else?) 



This week we are learning about subitizing. Subitizing is the ability to instantly recognize, without counting, “how many” in a small set (dots on a dice).  

1) Another way to practice subitizing: looking at dominoes or a deck of cards- notice the dot patterns.  Find cards/dominoes that match (same amount of dots) 

2) Video: Subitize Super Fast by Jack Hartmann 


3) Math game to play that practices subitizing: Lady Bird Spots- choose matching. 

Fine Motor: practice making the letter ‘g’ and numeral ‘5’ using one of the following options (playdough, Legos, rocks or noodles). Remember to use the correct formation (top down) & practice tracing with your finger over them once finished & say the letter name or number. 


Website: If you have the opportunity, check out squigglepark.com, a literacy program where students can have fun learning and practicing letter names, sounds and more! Class code and student codes were emailed. Click on Student Play and then enter class code, select student name and enter student code. 


It is important to read to your child each day and have them go outside for physical activity. 


Check out Mr. MacKinnon’s Teacher Page for some fun and creative ideas to stay physically active!  

Check out Mrs. Page’s Teacher Page for some songs and activities for Music. 


*If you have difficulty opening any link or website, right click and click “Open Link” or hover over the link (Press ctrl & double click) 

*Retakes and sibling photos are online when you login to your account at jordanpinder.gotphoto.com and use the access codes that were previously sent home. 


Hoping to see you all in person again soon- wishing you all a beautiful fall weekend and thank you for all your support during this time of Home Learning. 

Any questions or anything you would love to share please send an email.