Posted: November 23, 2021
Good morning! Here are your home learning activities for today:
- Science - Please ensure you have completed the assignment on Teams (observations et inférences).
- Math - If you have computer access, please work on Netmath (assigned activities).
If you do not have computer access, you can work on the practice pages from your Covid packet. - Practice adding and subtracting integers with a deck of playing cards and a partner. Decide which color is positive/negative.
- Science - Please ensure you have completed the assignment on Teams (observations et inférences)
- Some students have not turned in their journal entry (plastics). This is also on Teams.
- Math - If you have computer access, please work on Netmath assigned activities.
If you do not have computer access, you can work on the practice pages from your Covid packet. - Practice multiplying integers with a deck of playing cards and a partner. Decide which color is positive/negative.
- Work on your climate action project. For example, some students may need to work on their research, contact group members to plan for next steps, finalize timeline for project, etc.