Home-Learning Today

Posted: November 23, 2021

Due Date: 

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Home Reading 

  • set a timer for 20 minutes and find a comfortable space 
  • check your starting page number
  • read for 20 minutes as best you can 
  • as you read determine what in your personal life your book, or those pages, make you think of most
  • mark your end page
  • be prepared to share your reading, show your book to class and/or small groups Wednesday 

Remembrance Day Poster due Friday with signed contest permission slip.  

Typing.com (if you are able) 

1. click on blue "student login" tab

Login: school username

Password: school 

TEAMS: Play the "because" game 

How: Read the first statement, add to each line with your own to continue the story and put because at the end of your addition.