Posted: April 13, 2017
Due Date:
Thursday, April 13, 2017
Classe titulaire 6R (Richardson):If you have any questions or concerns please contact me Ms. Cheryl Richardson 627-4086 or by e-mail (link sends e-mail)
- No school Friday - Good Friday
- No school Monday- Easter Monday.
- Next Middle School Dance will be Friday April 21st, from 7-9pm.
- Beauty and the Beast notice has gone home, $3.00 require as soon as possible, deadline is Friday April 21st.
Français 6R
- Lecture (reading each night) 15- 20 minutes. *****The reading during classtime, DOESN'T replace reading their level book each night).
- Students have chosen a "free choice novel" from my classroom library. *** Questions #1-3 and drawing must be completed at this time!!!!!......They must finish reading their book to start work on questions 4,5 and 6.**** I have conferenced with the majority of the students, if they have corrections for for questions 1,2,3 they must finish them over the break.
Français 7LC
- Lecture (reading each night) 15- 20 minutes. *****The reading during classtime, DOESN'T replace reading their level book each night).
- Students have chosen a "free choice novel" from my classroom library. *** Questions #1-3 and drawing must be completed at this time!!!!!......They must finish reading their book to start work on questions 4,5 and 6. .**** I have conferenced with all students, if they have corrections for for questions 1,2,3 they must finish them at home tonight.
Français 7/8T
- Lecture (reading each night) 15- 20 minutes. ****The reading during classtime, DOESN'T replace their level book reading each night.
- Students have chosen a "free choice novel" from my classroom library. *** Questions #1-3 and drawing must be completed at this time!!!!!......They must finish reading their book to start work on questions 4,5 and 6..**** I have conferenced with all students, if they have corrections for for questions 1,2,3 they must finish them at home tonight.
Français 8M
- Lecture (reading each night) 15-20 minutes. *****The reading during classtime, DOESN'T replace reading their level book each night).
- Students have chosen a "free choice novel" from my classroom library. *** Questions #1-3 and drawing must be completed at this time!!!!!......They must finish reading their book to start work on questions 4,5 and 6..**** I have conferenced with all students, if they have corrections for for questions 1,2,3 they must finish them at home tonight.