Welcome Back! Home Learning Jan, 11th-21st, 2022.

Posted: January 10, 2022

Due Date: 

Monday, January 10, 2022

 Good afternoon parents and guardians, 

I wanted to touch base and welcome you back for another school year. I hope you had a lovely and restful Christmas break. As most of you are aware we will be beginning Home Learning on Tuesday January 11th until the 21st. The govenment will reassess the situation during the week of the 17th.

Materials ( learning packet) can be picked up Monday January 10th at the middle school doors from 11am-3pm. I will have packets for all students which I teach PIF, French Language Arts and Social Studies. It's very important packets are picked up as the material provided will be used during our virtual meetings. Students will have access to paper copies of assignment explained and covered during the meetings. 

If you have any questions, please reach out. I will do my best to answer your questions or direct you to the appropriate person. My e-mail is cheryl.richardson@nbed.b.ca

I would like to thank you for your patience, understanding and support. This is no an ideal situation for anyone. Please know I will be very happy and thankful when I'm able to welcome my students back to in person learning. Also, please be kind to yourselves. As parents, you are limited on what can be done at home. Your best is enough!

 Wishing you a great week, stay safe and healthy!

Ms. Richardson