Bienvenue 2020/ Welcome 2020

Posted: September 14, 2020

Hello everyone, I would like to welcome you to my teacher page. You will find important information for Homeroom/ Advisory 8FI and all my teaching classes. If you have any questions or concerns please reach out by e-mail or by calling the school at 506-627-4086 and leaving a message. I will return your message or e-mail ASAP, thank you wishing everyone a safe and happy school year. 


Advisory- Homeroom Richardson

  • Kleenex boxes
  • $20 student fee
  • Information sheet ( long white form), please make sure to carefully look over and make any changes needed directly on the form
  • Please review both Media Coverage permission form and the Computer User Agreement form, please fill out accordingly , sign and return. 


Humanities 8FI:

Francais 8FI:

  • Reading every night from Monday-Thursday for a minimum of 20 minutes. 
  • During the month of September and October running records will be conducted to identify the level your child is at with his/her French reading. Each grade level and program has a required level to be reached by the end of the school year (June 2021).  You will received an informational notice indicating your child's strenths and areas identified as needing more work/ support. 
Social Studies 8FI:
  • Nothing at this time.


Humanities 7/8 E:

Francais 7/8 E:

  • Reading every night from Monday-Thursday for a minimum of 20 minutes. 
  • During the month of September and October running records will be conducted to identify the level your child is at with his/her French reading. Each grade level and program has a required level to be reached by the end of the school year (June 2021).  You will received an informational notice indicating your child's strenths and areas identified as needing more work/ support. 
Social Studies 7/8E
  • Nothing at this time.


Health 8FI:

  • Nothing at this time


Health 7/8 E:


  • Nothing at this time

PIF- Post Intensice French 8P :


  • Nothing at this time