Posted: December 12, 2013
Purple Team potluck and activity day notice has been sent home today, please read and send back completed form by Friday December 13th, 2013.Purple Team is skating thsi Friday December 13th, 2013 at the Civic Center between 10:15-11:30. They require skates and helmet. All tickets for the Purple Team fundraiser (sold or unsold) and money must be returned to homeroom teachers by Friday December 13th, 2013. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR ONGOING SUPPORT!!!!!!.We would like to congratulate Ellie Newman and Spencer MacIntosh for being Students of the Week on the Purple Team (Dec. 9th- Dec.13thWe would like to congratulate Karly Sherrard for being Student of the Month for December on the Purple Team~~ Way to Go!Suggestions for Donations to Food Bank for Christmas, 2013December 9th – 13th boxes of spaghetti, macaroni, and pasta sauceDecember 16th – 20th canned meats, fish 6E1 & 6E2For both classes:6E1: Faire signer Test d'ortho #26E1: Good copy of "Qui Suis-je" are due Monday December 16th.6E2: Faire signer Test d'ortho #26E2: All final projects for novel study "Les Pirates" are due Monday December 16th, 2013. Presentations will begin!6E1 & 6E2: Lecture 10-15 minutes. Many students are not reading each night, they should be reading from a novel (chapiter) book they have chosen themselves. They will be completing a second book report on this book.6E1 & 6E2: Livret de Noel et Hiver due le 19 décembre, 2013.6LLecture 15-20 minutes, students should be reading every night 10-15 minutes and on weekends 15-20 minutes.Faire signer Test d'ortho #2Livret de Noel et Hiver due le 19 décembre, 2013. 6L Science Humaine (Social Studies). ******Students have copied down all their notes for Chapter 2, they should be reviewing them on a regualr basis. Students will have their Chapter 2 quiz Tuesday December 17th.Work on draft of map "carte imaginaire" must be completed for Friday December 13th, 2013. 7E1 Science Humaine (Social Studies). Rien