Devoir jeudi le 18 octobre, 2018.

Posted: October 18, 2018

Advisory - Richardson

  1.  MAA's big fundraising event started on Oct. 5th and will end on Oct. 22th with all tickets ( sold/unsold ) + money due.  Draw date will be on October 25th and student winners will also be announced.
  2. School clothing order and payment are due October 19th. Students have received the order form, please note this is the ONLY clothing order before Christmas.
  3. Skating for middle school students will begin on October 22nd, students are required to bring skates, hockey helmet and dress for the rink. This will be part of their Phys. Ed class mark. (Please check the calendar items for more information).


Français 7E:

  • Reading every night for 20 minutes ( Monday to Thursday) from a level book or any students who have reached level 29/30 may choose a "free choice" to read in French.
  • Scholastic book orders for September & October are due October 17th.
  • Students who have not completed their writing piece " Marche à suivre" will be staying in at lunch from 12:00-12:30 with Ms. Richardson to complete this assignment.


Science Humaine 7E 

  • Rien


Français 7/8L:

  • Reading every night for 20 minutes ( Monday to Thursday) from a level book, they will choose their book from those available in the classroom.
  • Scholastic book orders for September & October are due October 17th.
  • Students who have not completed their writing piece " Marche à suivre" will be staying in at lunch from 12:00-12:30 with Ms. Richardson to complete this assignment.

Science Humaine 7/8L:

  • Rien


Français 8E:

  • Reading every night for 20 minutes ( Monday to Thursday) from a level book or any students who have reached level 29/30 may choose a "free choice" to read in French from my classroom or the library. All level books can be found in my class library.
  • Students who have not completed their writing piece " Marche à suivre" will be staying in at lunch from 12:00-12:30 with Ms. Richardson to complete this assignment.