Posted: October 16, 2017
6R Classe titulaire
- Scholastic book orders for October are due October 19th, 2017.
- Picture retakes are Thursday October 19th, 2017. ( Class and siblings pictures will also take place).
- Skating- Tuesday October 17th from 8:40-9:30 ***Note time change***
- Hat Day on Friday October 20th- Students can wear a hat for $1.00, this is a school wide fundraiser for the grade 8 end of the year trip.
- Clothing order forms and payment are due Friday October 20th. Sizing information can be found on the Max Aitken Home and School Facebook page.
6R Santé
- Students have chosen to work with a partner or individually, they have the rubric of the assignment. They worked on their safety pamphlet today, they will have two more periods to work on this assignment in class. Monday October 23rd and October 30th. All final assignments will be due on November 6th.
6R Français
- Reading evaluation have begun ( running record). Each student will be evaluated on their reading abilities ( fluidity and comprehension) to be at a specific level students must both have fluidity in reading and be able to answer questions/ explain the main points of the story for comprehension. Students will receive a pink information sheet explainging their strentghs and weaknesses. It will take a few weeks to a month to complete all reading evaluations. Once students have their reading level, they are to chose a book at their level from my classroom and be reading each night for a minimum of 15 minutes. *****Reading is only Monday-Thursday.
- Get reading comprehension " L'Action de Grâces" signed for next week.
6R Social Studies
- Students are working on a booklet in class on learning about Canada. They may work on the parts which need some reserach at home (internet). They will have some access to laptops and internet in class.
6/7 B Français
- Grade 6- Read small little books choosen each night Monday-Thursday. Each week they will change their two books.
- Grade7 -Read 15 minutes each night Monday-Thursday ( with their chosen book from their level).
6/7B Science Humaine
- Students are working on a booklet in class on learning about Canada. They may work on the parts which need some reserach at home (internet). They will have some access to laptops and internet in class.
7B Français
- Read 15 minutes each night Monday-Thursday ( with their chosen book from their level). *** Some students don't have a book as I have run out of some leveled books and in the processes of ordering more. They have been asked to choose a "free choice" from my bookshelf to continue reading at night.