Posted: February 12, 2024
Classe titulaire- Homeroom
- 8E- will be travelling to Gretna Green on Tuesday February 13th at 9:00 am for a Bilingualism Presentation, return time at MAA will be approx 10:30 am.
- No school on Monday February 19th, as it's NB Family Day.
7/8 E Français:/ Science Humaine.
- Lecture lundi-jeudi pour 20 minutes. Read Monday-Thursday for 20 minutes (each night). Students are responsible to exchange their books at the beginning of the week. They have access to leveled books in the classroom.
- Running records ( for reading) have started for term 2
- 7 Sacred Teaching project is due Friday February 16th. ( A lot of class time was given to work on this project, no more class time will be given, they will need to complete at home. If not completed and handed in on Feb. 16th, they will attend Help Center from 2-3 until completed).
8E Français:
- Lecture lundi-jeudi pour 20 minutes. Read Monday-Thursday for 20 minutes (each night). Students are responsible to exchange their books at the beginning of the week. They have access to leveled books in the classroom.
- Running Records will continue, parent information forms will be going home to be signed and returned to Ms. Richardson. If students have reached level 30 V/W level they will not be tested anymore this year as they have reached the highest level.
- 7 Sacred Teaching project is due Friday February 16th. ( A lot of class time was given to work on this project, no more class time will be given, they will need to complete at home. If not completed and handed in on Feb. 16th, they will attend Help Center from 2-3 until completed).
Collaboration 8E
- Nothing at this time. Our next project will begin in April.
8P2 PIF ( French):
- Nothing at this time.