Posted: January 18, 2021
Advisory Richardson- Homeroom 8FI
- We are currently in Orange Level province wide, which means students must wear their mask at all times indoors and outdoors, except when quietly working at their desk, eating/drinking or when participating in vigorous physical activity (gym class).
- Yearbook (order form) will be sent home tomorrow Tuesday January 12th, 2021 and must be returned with payment by March 12th, 2021.
- PLEASE TAKE NOTE: February 1st was suppose to be PL day for all staff, however it will now be a regular school day. Students will need to attend school.
- REMINDER to all students and parents, winter weather has arrived. It's extremely important students wear proper footwear (boots) and clothing ( coat, hat, mitts etc...) for outside as they are outdoors during lunch recess. Students must have indoor shoes to switch into from outdoor wear.
Humanitiés 8FI:
Francais 8FI:
- Reading every night from Monday-Thursday for a minimum of 20 minutes.
- Poems 1. (5) Haiku. 2. Double Tétractys 3. Bio-poème 4. Poème diamant are all due by FRIDAY JANUARY 22ND, 2021.
Social Studies 8FI:
- Rien (nothing)
Humanities 7/8 E:
Francais 7/8 E:
- Reading every night from Monday-Thursday for a minimum of 20 minutes.
- Poems 1. (5) Haiku. 2. Double Tétractys 3. Bio-poème 4. Poème diamant are all due by FRIDAY JANUARY 22ND, 2021.
Social Studies 7/8E
- Rien (nothing)
Health 8FI:
- We are currently learning about use, misuse and abuse of a variety of substances. ( Drugs, alcohol, food, smoking, vaping, steroids).
Health 7/8 E:
- We are currently learning about use, misuse and abuse of a variety of substances. ( Drugs, alcohol, food, smoking, vaping, steroids).
PIF- Post Intensice French 8P :
- Students are currently working on an autobiography in class and then completed will present to the class.