Posted: December 2, 2013
Everyone is welcome to come join us on Tuesday December 3rd from 6-7 pm here at HMS for our Family Night, for more detail please go to the following link: would like to congratulate Anna Smith and Samantha Crowder for being Students of the Week on the Purple Team (Nov.25th- Nov.29th)We would like to congratulate Matthew Roy for being Student of the Month on the Purple Team~~ Way to Go!Suggestions for Donations to Food Bank for Christmas, 2013December 2nd – 6th canned beans, milk, spaghetti, vegetablesDecember 9th – 13th boxes of spaghetti, macaroni, and pasta sauceDecember 16th – 20th canned meats, fish 6E1 & 6E2For both classes:6E1: Study words week #8 Quiz d'ortho mercredi le 4 décembre, 2013.6E1: Any projects not handed in today or incomplete (Le Caméléon) (due December 2nd) have lost -10% as per the school assignment policy.6E2: Study words week #8. Quiz d'ortho mardi le 3 décembre, 2013. 6E2: Faire signer Test Les Pirates6E2: Book report #1 "Les Pirates" is due Monday December 2th.6E1 & 6E2: Lecture 10-15 minutes. Many students are not reading each night, they should be reading from a novel (chapiter) book they have chosen themselves. They will be completing a second book report on this book.6E1 & 6E2: Livret de Noel et Hiver due le 19 décembre, 2013.6LLecture 15-20 minutes, students should be reading every night 10-15 minutes and on weekends 15-20 minutes.Study words week #8 Quiz d'ortho mardi le 3 décembre, 2013. Compte rendu du livre #3 is due le2 décembre, 2013. ***If not handed in or incomplete, they will lose -10% as per the school's assigment policy.Livret de Noel et Hiver due le 19 décembre, 2013. Les mots d'orthographe semaine # 8( 6E1, 6E2 et 6L)1. pantalon 6. contre2. amuser 7. dans3. grandir 8. téléphone4. porte 9. mesurer5. son 10. nuit 6L Science Humaine (Social Studies). ******Students have copied down all their notes for Chapter 2. they should be reviewing them on a regualr basis. Students will have their Chapter 2 quiz the last week before Christmas Break (date to be determined later). 7E1 Science Humaine (Social Studies). Rien