Posted: June 8, 2015
Purple Team and Homeroom 6E1 Please note for tomorrow's field trip to Beaubear's Island: Students will need appropriate and comfortable clothing, bagged lunch, sunscreen, bug repellent, hat/ sunglasses, water, snacks. *** If it's raining tomorrow, our field trip will be cancelled. However, if it's not raining we will be attending. We would like to congratulate Braden Bell for being Student of the Month for May! Way to go Braden :-)Français 6E1 et 6E2 6E1- Begin work on Chapter 3 vocabulary words + questions due Wednesday June 10th, 2015.6E1- Quiz on novel " Le Caméléon" Thursday June 11th, 2015. 6E1 & 6E2- Faire signer livret Pâques et printemps.6E2: Chapter 4-5 vocabulary + questions (novel study). This will be due Tuesday June 9th, 2015.6E2: Chapter 6, 7, 8 vocabulary (novel study). This will be due Wednesday June 10th, 2015. Français 6LStudent (group) mini project good copy will be due Tuesday June 9th, 2015.Faire signer (sign) livret de Pâques et printemps.6L Science Humaine (Social Studies)Students will begin working on their Chapter 4 Title Pages, final work will be due Tuesday June 9th, 2015. ( They will have classtime Friday and Monday to work on this assignment).6E1 Science Humaine (Social Studies)Students will begin working on their Chapter 4 Title Pages, final work will be due Tuesday June 9th, 2015. ( They will have classtime Friday and Monday to work on this assignment).