Posted: November 12, 2013
All of Purple TeamWe would like to congratulate Madison O'Neil and Olivia Richard for being Students of the Week on the Purple Team (Nov.4th- Nov.8th)Congratulations to Harley Siddall for being Student of the Month on the Purple Team!Way to go ladies keep up the fantastic work and participation ;-)Suggestions for Donations to Food Bank for Christmas, 2013November 11th– 15thPeanut Butter, Cheese Whiz, jamNovember 18th – 22nd cerealNovember 25th – 29th canned soup, crackers December 2nd – 6thcanned beans, milk, spaghetti, vegetablesDecember 9th – 13thboxes of spaghetti, macaroni, and pasta sauceDecember 16th – 20th canned meats, fish6E1 & 6E2 For both classes:6E1: Study words week #6 Quiz d'ortho mardi le 19 novembre, 2013./ 12 sentences using the spelling words from week #5 due Friday November 15th, 2103.6E1: Faire signer Quiz d'ortho #56E1: Faire signer Livret de l'Halloween.6E2: Study words week #5. Quiz d'ortho mercredi le 13 novembre, 2013. + 10 sentences using the spelling words from the week #5 6E2: Faire signer livret de l'Halloween6LLecture 10-15 minutes, students should be reading every night 10-15 minutes, Study words week #6 Quiz d'ortho mardi le 19 novembre, 2013. + 12 phrases d'orthographe en utilisant les mots de semaine #6, due Friday November 15th, 2013.Faire signer les 2 comptes rendu du livre.Faire signer Quiz d'ortho #5Les mots d'orthographe semaine #5 (6E2)1. il y a 6. bonjour2. parce que 7. école3. madame 8. je4. un ami 9. enfant5. une amie 10. élèveLes mots d'orthographe semaine #6 (6E21, 6L)1. papa/père 6. fait2. aime 7. garçon3. maman/mère 8. pour4. est 9. fille5. bien 10. et 6L Science Humaine (Social Studies).Rien 7E1 Science Humaine (Social Studies).Rien