Posted: December 19, 2017
6R Classe titulaire
- MAA Spirit Week December 18th-22th:
- Wednesday December 20th: Look alike day
- Thursday December 21st: Christmas hat/crazy Christmas hair day
- Friday December 22nd: PJ day
- Friday December 22nd, 2017 half a day for all students.
- There will be no breakfast program on Friday December 22nd, and the cafeteria will be closed, students will need to bring snacks from home.
- On Thursday December 21st- Students can order from the cafeteria fries + gravy or poutine ( they may also add vegetables, stuffing, cranberries ect...) the cost is $5.00
6R Santé
- Rien
6R Français
- Reading 15 minutes Monday-Thursday.
6R Social Studies
- Study Chapter 1- Quiz Next week ( date change due to the storm). Wednesday December 20th, 2017.
6/7 B Français
- Grade 6 & 7 :Reading 15 minutes Monday-Thursday with their level book.
6/7B Science Humaine
- Rien
7B Français
- Read 15 minutes each night Monday-Thursday ( with their chosen book from their level). If they have reached level 30 they may choose a novel from my bookshelf ( free choice