Posted: November 24, 2020
Advisory Richardson- Homeroom 8FI
- Special Lunch- Friday November 27th ( Spuds for Buds)- Must pre-order by filling out the orange notice which was sent home today and returned by Wednesday November 25th with money.
- MAA Helping Hands online Auction will take place Monday November 23rd-Friday November 27th. Check us out on our school Facebook page.
- COVID-RESPONSE PACKETS have gone home, DON'T OPEN. This packet is only for use if school is shutdown.
Humanitiés 8FI:
Francais 8FI:
- Reading every night from Monday-Thursday for a minimum of 20 minutes.
Social Studies 8FI:
- Research project now overdue!******Presentation is due Monday November 23rd, 2020. Students must e-mail their project to me at
Humanities 7/8 E:
Francais 7/8 E:
- Reading every night from Monday-Thursday for a minimum of 20 minutes.
Social Studies 7/8E
- Research projects are now overdue ******Presentation is due Monday November 23rd, 2020. Students must e-mail their project to me at
Health 8FI:
- Students are currently working on developing personal goals 1. Physical 2. Mental/Emotional and 3. Social. Students have received guiding notes to help them organize their goals.
Health 7/8 E:
- Students are currently working on developing personal goals 1. Physical 2. Mental/Emotional and 3. Social. Students have received guiding notes to help them organize their goals.
PIF- Post Intensice French 8P :
- Students need to be practicing vocabulary for 1. ma famille 2. Les sports 3. Les couleurs 4. les loisirs