Devoir mardi le 25 avril, 2017.

Posted: April 25, 2017

Classe titulaire 6R (Richardson):If you have any questions or concerns please contact me Ms. Cheryl Richardson 627-4086 or by e-mail

  • No school Friday April 28th, 2017- Professional Learning Day for teachers.
  • Scholastic book orders for the month of April are due Wednesday April 26th, 2017.

Français 6R

  • Lecture (reading each night) 15- 20 minutes. *****The reading during classtime, DOESN'T replace reading their level book each night). 
  • Students have chosen a "free choice novel" from my classroom library.  *** Questions #1-3 and drawing must be completed at this time!!!!!......Students should be working on questions 4,5,6 and their second drawing. Students who didn't complete their corrections for questions 1,2,3 or didn't complete the work will be in detention to complete their work.

Français 7LC

  • Lecture (reading each night) 15- 20 minutes. *****The reading during classtime, DOESN'T replace reading their level book each night).
  • Students have chosen a "free choice novel" from my classroom library. *** Questions #1-3 and drawing must be completed at this time!!!!!......Students should be working on questions 4,5,6 and their second drawing. Students who didn't complete their corrections for questions 1,2,3 or didn't complete the work will be in detention to complete their work

 Français 7/8T

  • Lecture (reading each night) 15- 20 minutes. ****The reading during classtime, DOESN'T replace their level book reading each night.
  • Students have chosen a "free choice novel" from my classroom library. *** Questions #1-3 and drawing must be completed at this time!!!!!......Students should be working on questions 4,5,6 and their second drawing. Students who didn't complete their corrections for questions 1,2,3 or didn't complete the work will be in detention to complete their work


 Français 8M 

  • Lecture (reading each night) 15-20 minutes. *****The reading during classtime, DOESN'T replace reading their level book each night).
  • Students have chosen a "free choice novel" from my classroom library. *** Questions #1-3 and drawing must be completed at this time!!!!!......Students should be working on questions 4,5,6 and their second drawing. Students who didn't complete their corrections for questions 1,2,3 or didn't complete the work will be in detention to complete their work.