Devoir mardi le 6 novembre, 2018.

Posted: November 6, 2018

Advisory- Richardson


  1.  MAA's Remembrance Day Ceremony will be held Thursday November 8th. (link sends e-mail)
  2. There is no school on Friday November 9th as teachers are working on report cards, there is no school on Monday November 12th as Remembrance Day is on Sunday.


Français 7E:

  • Reading every night for 20 minutes ( Monday to Thursday) from a level book or any students who have reached level 29/30 may choose a "free choice" to read in French.

Science Humaine 7E 

  • Rien


Français 7/8L:

  • Reading every night for 20 minutes ( Monday to Thursday) from a level book, they will choose their book from those available in the classroom.

Science Humaine 7/8L:

  • Rien

Français 8E:

  • Reading every night for 20 minutes ( Monday to Thursday) from a level book or any students who have reached level 29/30 may choose a "free choice" to read in French from my classroom or the library. All level books can be found in my class library.