Posted: May 13, 2015
Purple Team and Homeroom 6E1 Last Scholastic book orders for the year are due June 4th, 2015. ****Students who received coupons for being Student of Week should be using their coupon so they don't lose it. We would like to congratulate Cole Johnson for being Student of the Month for April! Way to go Cole you are a fantastic role modeol for you peers :-)We would like to congratulate Mathew Sangster and Alex Henderson for being Students of the Week for May 4th to 8th, 2015.Français 6E1 et 6E2 Lecture 15 minutes ( This is to be done from Monday-Thursday each night...if the students want to read over the weekend, this would aslo benefit them). 6E1- Good copy of Affiche #2 is due Thursday May 14th, 2015. 6E2- Good copy of Affiche #2 is due Monday May 18th, 2015.Students have received their last booklet " Livret Les Vacances" today, they are to work on it 10-15 minutes each night or during Student Enhancement. Finished booklets are due Thursday June 4th, 2015. FrançaisLecture 15 minutes ( This is to be done from Monday-Thursday each night...if the students want to read over the weekend, this would aslo benefit them).Good copy of Affiche #2 is due Thursday May 14th, 2015. Students have received their last booklet " Livret Les Vacances" today, they are to work on it 10-15 minutes each night or during Student Enhancement. Finished booklets are due Thursday June 4th, 2015. 6L Science Humaine (Social Studies)Study Chapter 4 notes ( make revisions, if I indicated to redo or add detail), we will be working in class with group discussions, assignments, activities etc.... Quiz will be in a few weeks.6E1 Science Humaine (Social Studies)Study Chapter 4 notes ( make revisions, if I indicated to redo or add detail), we will be working in class with group discussions, assignments, activities etc.... Quiz will be in a few weeks.