Devoir mercredi le 16 décembre, 2020.

Posted: December 16, 2020

Advisory Richardson- Homeroom 8FI

  • Notice was sent home with students from the Superintendent regarding school closures due to inclement weather.
  • Spirit Week #1 will take place next week from Monday December 14th- Friday December 18th.
Thursday December 17th: Jersey Day/MAA colors day ( blue and yellow)
Friday December 18th:- PJ Day/ Flannel Friday
  • Friday Dececember 18th last day for students before Christmas Break.
  • COVID-RESPONSE PACKETS have gone home, DON'T OPEN. This packet is only for use if school is shutdown.


Humanitiés 8FI:

 Francais 8FI:

  •  Reading every night from Monday-Thursday for a minimum of 20 minutes. 

Social Studies 8FI:

  • Rien (nothing)

 Humanities 7/8 E:

 Francais 7/8 E:

  •  Reading every night from Monday-Thursday for a minimum of 20 minutes. 

Social Studies 7/8E

  • Rien (nothing)


 Health 8FI:

  • Rien ( nothing at this time).


 Health 7/8 E:

  • Rien ( nothing at this time).


PIF- Post Intensice French 8P :

  • Students are currently working on an autobiography in class and then completed will present to the class.