Devoir mercredi le 17 novembre, 2021.

Posted: November 17, 2021

Homeroom- 8E Richardson

  • Congratulations 8E on winning $100 towards a classroom celebrations ( class who had the highest % of participation for the gas fundraider from grades 6-8).
  • No school for students: Friday November 19th- 1/2 report card writing  + 1/2 Professional Learning for teachers.  


8P1 & 8P2 Post Intensif French ( PIF):   

  • Students will be working on their booklet ( La rentrée) this week with the teachers help to finish the booklet. Students will also be given time in class to complete all check-ins which were not completed during at home learning. Make sure to bring back your booklet to school!

 7E & 8E Français: 

This week students will work on catching up/ completing at home learning assignments ( we will not be covering anything new this week):

  •  " Bande dessinée" draft was due Friday November 5th.
  • Complete  all check-in on Teams: 
  • Compréhension de lecture "Chandail Orange" was in the home learning envelop, it must be returned tomorrow Tuesday November 16th.
  • Writing piece (draft only) Porté disparu was due November 12th. 

8E- Collaboration: Nothing new for today.

  • Your private groups have been created with the Teams Collaboration site: 
  •  Questions have been posted, you are free to work on these questions whenever is convenient for you. ( Same as last week).

7E & 8E Science Humaine: Nothing new for today.

  •  ***** This assignment must be fully completed and handed in by Thursday November 18th). I have gone over it and explained to the students what needs to be done. Travaux #1  Les septs enseignements sacrés (7 sacred teachings) Due date is Wednesday November 10th, 2021.( Deadline extension to Friday November 12th, as students had some difficulties understanding the assignment).