Devoir mercredi le 23 mars, 2022.

Posted: March 23, 2022

Classe Titulaire 8E ( Homeroom)

  • Yearbook order forms were sent home last week ( yellow form).  Yearbook's must be pre-ordered and paid by March 28th.
  •  Collaboration Project launch #2 Thursday March 24th
  • Middle school assembly Thursday March 24th......homeroom with the most positive and encouraging ( cheering) will win a bbq lunch.
  • There will be no school on Friday March 25th as teachers are working on second term report cards and attending professional learning in the afternoon. 
  • 8E will take part in the MADD presentation on Wednesday March 30th. 


8P1 & 8P2 PIF( Français).

  • Students need to be praticing their oral vocabulary for clothing and accessories. Students will be required to explain what they are wearing and describe what a partner is wearing in complete sentence form. 

7E- Français:

  • Students should be reading every night Monday-Thursday for a minimum of 20 minutes. Students have access to levelled books in my classroom and can switch them out as necessary. I will be continiuing their running records, please look for the info sheet going home with feedback and notes.  Sign this form and return to me. 


7E- Français:

  • Students should be reading every night Monday-Thursday for a minimum of 20 minutes. Students have access to levelled books in my classroom and can switch them out as necessary. I will be continiuing their running records, please look for the info sheet going home with feedback and notes.  Sign this form and return to me.  ******Students who have reached the last level 30 W/V may choose any book to read leisurely.


7E & 8E Science Humaine ( Social Studies).

  • P. 18, 19 and 20 are to be completed if not previously done. 
  • Students should be reviewing their notes on the federal gouvernment.