Devoir mercredi le 7 juin, 2017.

Posted: June 7, 2017

Classe titulaire 6R (Richardson):If you have any questions or concerns please contact me Ms. Cheryl Richardson 627-4086 or by e-mail

  • Grade 6 students will be writing their provincial assessments next week June 5th-June 9th.

Français 6R

  • Lecture (reading each night) 15- 20 minutes.
  • Students are working on completing their monthly writing pieces in class. Students should be done April, working on May and June at this time.
  • We have started working on practice grammar activities this will continue the month of June.

Français 7LC

  • Lecture (reading each night) 15- 20 minutes.
  • Students are working on their monthly writing pieces in class. Students should be done April, working on May and June at this time.
  • We have started working on practice grammar activities this will continue the month of June.

Français 7/8T

  • Lecture (reading each night) 15- 20 minutes.
  • Students are working on their monthly writing pieces.Students should be done April working on May and June at this time.
  • We will also be starting to work on practice grammar activities

Français 8M

  • Lecture (reading each night) 15- 20 minutes.
  • Students are working on their monthly writing pieces. Students should be done April, working on May and June at this time.