Posted: November 8, 2017
6R Classe titulaire
- November Scholastic book orders are due by Wednesday November 15th, 2017. *** Books always make a fabulous Christmas gift, please note that we can make "private" arragements for payment and pick so your son/daughter doesn't know about the gift. Please contact me by e-mail for further information.
- Remembrance Day Ceremony is on Thursday November 9th starting at 10:30 everyone is welcome.
- No school for students of Friday November 10th as teachers are working on report cards and having professional learning.
- No school Monday November 13th ( Remembrance Day is on a Saturday this year).
6R Santé
- Rien
6R Français
- Reading 15 minutes Monday-Thursday with their level book.
- Students need to bring back their reading evaluation form signed (pink form). All evaluations have been completed for 1st term.
6R Social Studies
- Students are working on a booklet in class on learning about Canada. Today is the last day students will receive to work on their booklets in class, all booklets must be completed and handed in by Wednesday November 8th, 2017.
6/7 B Français
- Grade 6 & 7 :Reading 15 minutes Monday-Thursday with their level book.
- Students need to bring back their reading evaluation form signed (pink form). All evaluations have been completed for 1st term.
6/7B Science Humaine
- Students are working on a booklet in class on learning about Canada. They may work on the parts which need some research at home (internet). They will have some access to laptops and internet in class.
7B Français
- Read 15 minutes each night Monday-Thursday ( with their chosen book from their level). If they have reached level 30 they may choose a novel from my bookshelf ( free choice).
- Reading evaluations have started and students most return their pink or purple information sheet signed.